
We're here to support - feel free to reach out using any of the channels below!

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Bugs and Issue Requests

To get help, you can create a GitHub issue for bug and feature requests.

To log a bug/issue, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Issue in the associated project repository (i.e., SPICE Android)

  2. Add an Issue Title that describes what is happening at a high level

  3. Enter a description of the issue, providing as much detail as possible. Include the following fields and information:

    1. Screenshots (if possible)

    2. Steps to reproduce (if reporting a bug or issue)

    3. Impact users

    4. Severity (High, Medium, Low)

  4. Tag the Issue with the label to describe the request:

    1. Bug: Issue found in the code base

    2. Documentation: Issue found with the platform documentation

    3. Help wanted: Request for more assistance and help

    4. Invalid: Raising a concern about the code or application functionality

Last updated