SPICE App Workflows
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The SPICE application enables a seamless patient journey as a patient interacts with a variety of health system users.
The following is a typical patient journey for a sample patient named Mary:
Mary is screened at a community event by a community health worker (CHW) equipped with SPICE. At the screening, Mary's blood pressure is found to be elevated and she is referred for further assessment to the nearest facility.
Mary receives a SMS reminder 3 days after her community screening to remind her to visit the facility for a medical review.
Mary visits the facility where she is seen by a provider who confirms her diagnosis after ordering a series of lab tests.
Mary is enrolled in SPICE and the SPICE application calculates her CVD risk score and determines a customized treatment plan (pending confirmation from a provider) for Mary which includes weekly community-based follow-up assessments for BP checks and monthly facility visits for medicals reviews.
Mary returns home and is visited by a CHW the next week for her assessment. The CHW follows up with her at the weekly cadence to build out her longitudinal patient record.
After 1-month of at home visits, Mary visits the facility again for a medical review where she receives a prescription from the doctor.
Steps 4-5 repeat continuously by seamlessly linking the community and facility activities.
The Screening feature is a crucial component of SPICE, playing a pivotal role in the early detection and management of disease. SPICE enhances the reach and accessibility of healthcare services by enabling health workers to conduct screenings across various settings and record data both online and offline.
The offline-first screening workflow collects information such as age, gender, smoking status, blood pressure, and weight to determine who should be referred for further assessment. SPICE uses a risk algorithm to identify patients to refer to the facility for further assessment. The utilization of this risk algorithm ensures proactive healthcare management, aiding in the early referral of patients. Simultaneously, the platform computes a patient's Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) risk based on the WHO HEARTS, a Technical package for cardiovascular disease management in primary health care. The primary users of the screening workflow is community health workers (CHWs) in the community and nurses at the facility.
The Enrollment feature in the SPICE platform is a crucial step in the patient management process. The enrollment process creates a customized treatment plan for the patient based on their CVD risk. For example, a High Risk patient will have weekly assessments and monthly medical reviews. The customization of the treatment plan enables the health workers to prioritze patients for follow-up. This streamlines the process of identifying, referring, and managing patients, reducing the burden on healthcare workers to follow-up with all patients at the same intervals. For patients that are referred from screening, the app reduces manual effort by auto-populating fields from prior screenings. This feature saves time for healthcare providers and ensures consistency and accuracy of patient data.
The Assessment feature is vital for the management and ongoing monitoring of enrolled patients. The information collected through this feature, such as blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and medication compliance, facilitates the continuous monitoring of a patient's health status. It enables the healthcare professional to take a proactive approach to patient care, thereby managing non-communicable diseases more effectively. Moreover, the assessment feature is integrated with a risk algorithm that updates the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk level based on blood pressure and blood glucose values, in alignment with the WHO HEARTS algorithm. This not only assists in refining treatment plans but also helps in reducing the burden of CVD in the community.
The Medical Review feature in SPICE is a vital tool designed for medical professionals that enhances the capacity for assessment, monitoring, and decision-making, especially for patients suffering from chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. Leveraging this feature, healthcare providers can seamlessly conduct medical reviews, prescribe treatment plans, prescribe medications, recommend lab tests, and maintain thorough documentation of patients' health profiles, thereby optimizing healthcare delivery in underserved communities.
The Pharmacy features in the SPICE platform is integral to delivering prescribed medications to patients. Pharmacists can view comprehensive details about each prescribed medication, including the name, dosage, form, frequency, prescribed days, and additional comments from the physician. The feature allows for better adherence to treatment plans by enabling pharmacists to provide specific instructions for medication intake. Moreover, it keeps track of the dispensation history and allows pharmacists to document discrepancies, improving the transparency and efficiency of the medication dispensation process.
The "My Patients" feature in SPICE allows healthcare professionals to efficiently manage and monitor their assigned patients within the platform. The "My Patients" feature brings convenience and organization to healthcare professionals by offering a centralized hub to access, track, and manage patient information. It enhances patient care coordination, improves communication, and facilitates better healthcare decision-making.